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I endorsed Yvonne Nelson Book Book without knowing I was in the bad side of the Book - Iyanya reveal.

A Nigerian singer, Song writer and a dancer @
Iyanya has revealed that he put in a support ti actrsss Yvonne Nelson’s book titled: ‘I AM NOT YVONNE NELSON,’ without knowing he was in the memoir.

The Ghanaian actress, it would be recalled, talked about her adventures with Iyanya and how she eventually discovered he was having an affair with Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh in a chapter titled “Iyanya And My Love Life.”

During Iyanya's live session at the BEATZ 99.9 FM Lagos, he disclose how he endorsed his ex Ghana lover Yvonne Nelson's new published book without knowing that he was in the part of the story she told in it. 


“I endorsed Yvonne Nelson’s book without knowing I was in the book. We were cool, we still talk to this day, so I didn’t know that I was in the book. When the book came out, everywhere was buzzing. People were telling me I am in the book. But I have not read it till now.

I know I promise to address the allegations she made in her book, but I’m not ready to respond. I’m not going to respond to stuff like that, being me comes with a lot of madness.”

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